Why Puffin
By leveraging our experience across the dimensions of management, leadership, technology, strategy, and change management, Puffin can help your organization strike the right balance between effectiveness, agility, and innovation.
Today, the CIO occupies one of the most difficult roles within an organization. To have even the most basic level of credibility, the CIO must ensure flawless service delivery. What did you think the last time the power went out in your home? I doubt it was: “they’ve done pretty well this year. I bet up-time has been over 99%.” Unless less you are the rare exception, you focused on the outage and how it is impacting you. The same applies for IT users.
Once the lights are on, CIOs must deliver innovative, integrated, and timely IT capabilities to enable the organization achieve its goals. To keep life interesting, this must all be accomplished while constantly managing a challenging, often declining, budget and planning for massive shifts in the technology landscape.
Today’s cloud based / outsourced / web services environment is far more complex than the internal solutions of just a few years ago. IT organizations will require new skills to manage service delivery given this new reality.
Assembling the technology puzzle can be difficult, even under ideal circumstances, especially within global organizations. Puffin understands how to assemble the puzzle by bringing the RIGHT pieces together at the RIGHT time. Let Puffin help you chart a path which will achieve your goals and protect your investments.
For a complete listing of Puffin’s services, please see the menu above.